serialize package
serialize depends on Graphic
serialize contains no classes.
The serialize package is marked as Compatible, which means any game can use it.
Utility functions
- celduin = SCUtil.Dehydrate(value)
- value is nil, a boolean, a number, a string, or a table. If it is a table, it can only contain booleans, numbers, strings, and other tables as keys or values. Duplicate references and circular references are not problems — you will get a semantically identical table from a later Rehydrate on the same celduin. celduin will be a string, and will almost certainly contain NULs.
- value = SCUtil.Rehydrate(celduin)
- The inverse of Dehydrate. It's recommended that you use one of the checksumming functions in this package to verify the integrity of a celduin before rehydration, since the encoding contains no redundancy and Rehydrate will raise an error on a malformed celduin.
- sum = SCUtil.QuickChecksum(message)
printable_sum = SCUtil.QuickChecksumHex(message)
- Calculates the checksum of message in accordance with the same CRC32 function as is used by gzip.
- QuickChecksum will return a 4-byte compact binary encoding while QuickChecksumHex will return 8 (capitalized) hexadecimal digits.
- sum = SCUtil.GoodChecksum(message)
printable_sum = SCUtil.GoodChecksumHex(message)
- Calculates the SHA-256 digest of message.
- GoodChecksum will return a 32-byte compact binary encoding while GoodChecksumHex will return 64 (capitalized) hexadecimal digits.
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